Newly Widowed 50 year old short hourglass curvey figure, only been with 7 men my whole life and I'll a very horny woman that has to play with myself 3:,to
4 time's a day want a man to do it for me and fuck me hard. A horny
woman that needs to be attracted physically and enjoy being around a woman to be relaxed enough to
satisfy us both in Plaistow NH.
I am young, adventurous, wise and intelligent woman.
I'm a 39 yr old single woman. Very happy with
my marriage I have a wonderful husband who is definitely not ok with another man touching
me or even the thought of it and I'm not into dp so we like women to help spice things up a
bit we also like to party so the person we are
with has to be down too otherwise it can't work out cuz he's a jealous but
sweet funny kind hearted sexy ass mf and protective also a phenomenal lover and I'm just me I'm ok looking I'm a little thicker I'm funny I always mean well
Im a little theatrical Iwhen we have another woman with us I like to me and likewise.